People in a city crossing the street

Health Agency

Today’s health needs will not be met by today’s health systems without re-organizing solutions for the paradigms for the future of health.

Since 1982, Ashoka has been identifying and collaborating with social entrepreneurs working at the intersections of healthcare, health access and well-being.  As a result, We have advanced our collective knowledge base in how to effectively organize and are now ready to act towards supporting agency in health.

  • We believe that health systems should be built on the foundation of health agency where individuals with their communities lead, direct and contribute to their own good health journeys and the good health journeys of others.
  • We are passionate about working on, supporting, or advocating for integrated and social healthcare solutions that promote the creation of equal, integrated partnerships between people, their communities, medical care stakeholders and social care workers towards agency in health for all.

Health agency, changemaking and the future of the healthcare workforce 

For over 40 years, Ashoka has had the unique privilege of learning from our community of Fellows and social entrepreneurs operating at the intersection of social entrepreneurship and health. For more than 10 years, Ashoka has been partnering with health-focused companies and foundations to learn, test, and uncover new paradigms and insights on health and healthcare systems worldwide.

Today, Ashoka is continuing to develop and uncover our purposeful work in Health and wishes to share some recent insights on a workshop we hosted in October 2023 around Health Agency, Changemaking, and the Future of the Healthcare workforce.

Have you read the report? Give us feedback! 


Our past and present initiatives

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The future of the healthcare workforce

In 2024, we are convening committed and diverse groups of European health stakeholders (policymakers, corporates, patients, social entrepreneurs, social services, etc.) who will be defining new narratives for the future of the healthcare workforce.

They will be both working at their country level as well as the European level to imagine the narratives that are needed to advance the desired conditions, roles, and frameworks for the healthcare workforce.

More information to come.

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(Re)imagining community health

Ashoka and The Johnson & Johnson Foundation have joined forces to surface pioneering practices and grow the field of Community Health innovation in Europe

With this 3 years partnership (2022-2024), we are determined to build a system that values well-being and prevention as much as it values treatment. Out of 136 applications, we selected 8 change leaders from the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany.

Winners received a monetary prize of €50K and followed a tailored learning journey to deepen their systems change strategy and their leadership and facilitation skills to lead multi-stakeholder collaborations.

Learn more about the initiative.

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Integrated health

Over the past 12 years, Ashoka and Boehringer Ingelheim have built the collective global vision of increasing access to healthcare for people, animals, and their communities: Making More Health

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, we brought together leading health-social entrepreneurs in Europe to draw a collective picture of our healthcare systems and identify the root causes of the most pressing issues in the field. We implemented 6 facilitated online workshops to analyze the health system, create shared intentions and goals, and co-create specific actions and solutions. Five social entrepreneurs developed a collective advocacy strategy to influence policymakers in Europe to implement policies that equip patients and communities to be active agents in their healthcare journeys. 

Download the health position paper.
