Everyone, everywhere, all at once – the only way to address the climate emergency

Getting people to care about climate change is only part of the work: the next step is to unlock individuals’ climate agency.

addressing the climate emergency

In March 2023, UN Secretary General António Guterres spoke at the release of the UN’s 6th IPCC report. He was unequivocal: “In short, our world needs climate action on all fronts – everything, everywhere, all at once.” But, as in much of our conversation about climate change, the actor in that sentence is obscured: who is going to deliver this action?

It has to be everyone. Changing “everything, everywhere, all at once” will take a groundswell of changemakers. 

Individuals everywhere need to shift the systems and structures they’re part of, in their work, schools, neighbourhoods and countries. Systems are made up of people and are therefore changed by people, by the collective effort of individuals. Everyone.

The good news is that more than ever before, people understand that climate change threatens the places, people, and things we love. And we care deeply. Yet change isn’t happening fast enough. Getting people to care about climate change is only part of the work: the next step is to unlock individuals’ climate agency.

Full article on World Economic Forum