No single initiative can deliver systemic solutions alone, this needs to be done collectively. We need a movement of social change leaders that connect their strengths and bundle their impact.

Many organizations have worked to create fair playing systems for women* and girls* but even these models have their limits: any single organization will struggle to counteract complex and deeply ingrained problems like gender inequality. To make lasting progress against this intractable issue, society needs to foster and cultivate changes that are both systemic and adopted by a collective.

Read and download the full knowledge report built from social entrepreneurs' analysis and key recommendations that changemakers can take to advance gender equity and thus enable gender equality.

  1. Help society understand the roots of gender inequality
  2. Dismantle patriarchal narratives
  3. Use an intersectional lens to address gender inequality
  4. Frame gender inequality as a cross-cutting issue
  5. Collaborate across sectors to advance gender equality