A conversation from the global Ashoka Changemaker Summit 

Imagine if, instead of asking young people “what do you want to be when you grow up?” we ask: “What problem are you going to solve?”  

As change continues to accelerate and systems fail to serve the good of all, young people play a critical role to positively transform the world’s old way of working. There are over 1.2 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24. What if every young person was a changemaker? 

During the first session of the 2021 Ashoka Changemaker Summit, Ashoka’s Shafat Khan caught up with three young leaders: Midria Pereira, Vinnicius Rodrigo, and Christian Dykson. Midria is building a more inclusive community at the University of São Paulo through the power of spoken word poetry. Christian started a movement at his school to honor custodians and make intergenerational connection. And Vinnicius is creating exciting learning experiences through tech and gamification.  

They share insights for all of us — on inclusion, self-discovery, intergenerational relationships, and more. 

Full article on Ashoka Medium.