How systems-changing social entrepreneurs change the world

How does the entire cohort of Ashoka Fellows accelerate the creation of an Everyone A Changemaker world?

63% of Ashoka Fellows have achieved legislative change or influenced government policy within the past three years. 

88% encourage people to think differently, changing mindsets as well as systems. 

95% provide employment, accelerating the creation of an Everyone a Changemaker World. 

*Source: The Unlonely Planet 2022


How can we ensure that democracy thrives today and for generations to come? How can we center social innovation in public policy? What needs to be done so that everyone can fully engage in democratic processes? What role can young people play in this? Decision-making is at the core of democratic processes and social entrepreneurship, fueling systemic change in all fields.

Tech & Humanity

How can we anticipate, mitigate, and manage the consequences of rapidly changing technology? How can we mobilize technological solutions to make inequities a thing of the past? What can we do to ensure that tech is designed for the common good? In a world increasingly filled with technology, social entrepreneurs are making innovative decisions to ensure that the changes it brings center ethics.

Planet & Climate

How will we rebalance humanity's relationship with nature? What can we do to reconcile entrepreneurial success with a sustainable mission in rural communities? How can we make healthy, local food affordable and available for all communities? The time is now to take decision for our planet's well-being, with solutions that ensure long-term sustainability and resilience.


How will we enable fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people? How can we ensure that everyone's basic needs, such as housing and healthy food, are met? What role can technology play in creating a truly inclusive and equitable world. Recent crises have revealed and accelerated the world's deep inequities, but also opened an opportunity to take decisions to redesign and reimagine the systems that perpetuate them.