Partner with us through one or several of our impact pillars

We increase the multiplier effect of the community by offering connection spaces that create a sense of trust and collaboration potential for all changemakers involved. 

You can: 

Sponsor the Ashoka Changemaker Summit, allowing all our community to get together once a year. Next edition happening in September of 2024 in Hamburg, Germany


Sponsor national summits in Europe, the events where each country introduces its newly elected Ashoka Fellows and Young Changemakers to the community


Sponsor our Fellowship program to connect Ashoka Fellows with mentors, experts, funders, pro bono partners and more to scale their solutions

We build demand for changemaking by creating collective learning experiences for our community to experience what changemaking looks like, acts like and feels like.​​

You can: 

Invite your staff and partner organisations to join our learning journeys


Co-design a tailored learning journey for your staff and your changemaker community


Sponsor the existing learning journeys, allowing us to reach up to +1,000 changemakers annually


Enable us to open-source our learning journeys and to build a global learning platform to reach 50,000 changemakers annually within the next 5 years

We offer and facilitate spaces for changemakers to come together and drive long-lasting positive impact. Through collaboration opportunities, we cultivate a vibrant community and spark the power of collective action. 

You can: 

Support existing collaboration initiatives in the fields of Health, Biodiversity, Migration, Gender, etc.


Ignite new collaboration projects that address pressing social challenges


Join forces to drive policy changes and shape narratives


Get valuable support and knowledge to enhance your collaborative practices

We create our changemaker legacy by centralizing our insights and knowledge, sharing reports and resources, as well as tools for matchmaking and collaboration.

You can: 

Sponsor cutting-edge knowledge products or reports ensuring they reach a wider audience


Develop storytelling material – videos and digital products – and communication campaigns that will reach thousands of individuals


Support our think-and-do-tank work to influence policy and public debates for a Changemaker Europe, fostering an environment where transformative ideas flourish


Join the companies and foundations that are already part of the Ashoka community

"It is only through shared knowledge and shared partnership that we are able to systemically transform both our organisation internally and the communities externally"

Global VP, ESG + Social Innovation at Steelcase

"Ashoka provides us with a great model for best practices. The engaged global community of social entrepreneurs that Ashoka has fostered helps each one of them to have more impact than would have been possible individually.” 

Founder and Chairman of Ebay, Chair of the Omidyar Foundation

"By joining forces, we hope to foster innovative thinking and action that can unlock the potential for positive change."

Stefannia Russo, Programme Lead at IKEA Social Entrepreneurship.


💥 Create impact

Contribute to cross-sector collaboration and scaling impact across the world.​

🧩 Form partnerships

Meet social entrepreneurs working on your field of action and start new alliances.

💜 Access expertise in social innovation and changemaking

All Ashoka staff at your disposal!

✨ Increase employee engagement and leadership skills

Invite your employees to our courses and events to learn about social innovation and systems change

⚡ Foster visibility on things that matter

Get external visibility through Ashoka’s media partners in the social innovation sector.

💡 Communicate on what you care about

Position yourself as a thought leader in social change.


The world‘s first and largest 24h helpline for children in danger or suffering from loneliness or abuse is operating in over 133 countries, answering the calls of over 140 million children.

A law firm whose only client is planet Earth. Using strategic litigation to challenge air pollution levels and fight climate change, bringing some of the world's most known brands to court.


Bringing ICT training and curricula for girls into low-income and rural communities by exposing them to role models and introducing a creative coding curriculum.



Training rats to detect landmines and dogs to diagnose tuberculosis by smell, both in record time, saving millions of lives. Mozambique was declared mine-free thanks to Apopo’s work. 



Ashoka Support Network Member | Spain

Nieves is the president of SEK international education institution, and she is the first woman to preside the global Talloires Network of Engaged Universities. She works closely with Ashoka, supporting the launch of the first changemaker education post-graduate course in Spain.

Young Changemaker | Germany/Syria

Zaid is a 21-year-old refugee from Syria, now German national. He used technology to virtually rebuild the city of Palmyra, which was destroyed by ISIS. He now works for the augmented reality company, Hololux, and is a Microsoft MVP.

Partner | California 

Anne believes the world needs more social innovations. According to her, Ashoka Fellows [are] passionate, highly innovative and truly focused on making a difference: “I had never seen that kind of passion before.”


Ashoka Staff | Italy

Luca works at Ashoka Italy and is leading the children and youth initiative in the country. He identifies powerful young changemakers and connects them with key organizations to give youth the visibility and influence to inspire a new generation.