Ashoka at a glance

Ashoka elects and supports social entrepreneurs whose solutions transform the lives of millions of people. Ashoka Fellows' ideas take many forms – from shifting policy to shifting mindsets – and they lay the foundation for people of all ages and walks of life to become changemakers.

As a part of Ashoka, these social entrepreneurs no longer have to work alone. They gain access to critical resources and visibility, and most importantly to each other.

On average one Ashoka Fellow impacts the lives of 800,000 people.

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About the Changemaker Summit

When you bring together 450 social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, young changemakers, corporate leaders, public administration representatives... magic happens!

The Changemaker Summit is Ashoka’s largest global gathering of changemakers.

Every year, we bring together our global community of Ashoka Fellows and other changemakers to explore the most pressing issues of our time and together build a society in which everyone can contribute, participate, and actively engage in social change for the good of all.

The agenda includes plenary sessions, round tables, workshops, private meetings and social gatherings. This year, it also includes a third “open day”, fully designed by a team of young changemakers from Hamburg (Participation Collective), and aimed at inviting everyone in the city to discover Hamburg’s vibrant social innovation.

This next Changemaker Summit is the 6th edition of this yearly event, and it will be held on September 5-7th 2024, in partnership with the City of Hamburg in Germany. More information about the Changemaker Summit 2024 here.

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Your experience at the summit - Journalists

If you would like to join the Summit, journalists and content creators have access for free to the full event.

In addition, we want to make sure you get the most out of the Changemaker Summit! This is why we will support all registered journalists to:

  • Free ticket to the Changemaker Summit
  • Meet powerful social innovators and other participants for interviews (or just for a chat!). These also include potential funders, if that's what you're interested in.
  • Schedule interviews, meetings, design your agenda...
  • Access a private room for filming and recording.
  • Attend a carefully designed workshop on digital impact campaigns for content creators.

Please reach out to us for more information. 


Inspiring social innovators

Meet and be inspired by some of the Ashoka Fellows attending the Changemaker Summit in Hamburg in September 2024. If you would like to connect with an Ashoka Fellow or other attendees for an interview or a chat, please let us know through the contact details below.

Tools for communicating about the Summit

Follow the link below to access pictures from previous editions of the Ashoka Changemaker Summit.

Follow the link below to access all logos & visuals of the Ashoka Changemaker Summit 2024 - True Participation

Subscribe to press announcements about the Ashoka Changemaker Summit 2024 - True Participation

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